Friday, May 22, 2020

Explicit Dehumanization Of Pop Culture - 852 Words

Explicit dehumanization in pop culture, such as the black face, began to decline after the Civil Rights Movement; arguably where old fashion racism, or the belief that Blacks should be segregated from because they were inferior, switched to symbolic racism, or the notion that because Blacks no longer face racial discrimination, they should economically and politically equal to Whites and stop using economic and political resources that could be better allocated to white people (Entman, 1990; Sweet, 2000). With that being said, dehumanization was arguably replaced with superhumanization. Superhumanization, in essence, is the perception of black people as beings beyond the human realm that possess supernatural physical abilities and supernatural intellectual abilities (Waytz, Hoffman, Trawalter, 2014). In pop culture, superhumanization takes the form of â€Å"magical negroes† or black entities that have healing powers, could predict the future, were extremely strong, and extremely fast; for example, John Coffey in The Green Mile, God in Bruce Almighty, and the Oracle in The Matrix (Hughey, 2009; Boswell, 2014; Waytz et al. 2014). These characters were often sidekicks that came to the aid of white characters either physically, or by offering wisdom and advice (Hutson, 2014). Furthermore, the personal lives and backstories of these black characters were rarely established and the sole purpose of their existence was to solve the leading white protagonist’s problems and not theirShow MoreRelatedThe Death Of Un Armed Black Men Essay2026 Words   |  9 PagesAbstract This literature review seeks to examine the death of un-armed black men by police officers in the United States. It includes rationale that supports unconscious bias, poor police training, explicit racism, a biased judicial system, the inherent violent tendencies of black males and overall societal culture. Throughout the course of this examination a constant them emerged. Unconscious bias, a poor judicial system and insufficient police training seem to be the cause of this phenomena. Read MoreThe Self Objectification Theory Of Women4667 Words   |  19 Pagesis evaluated as a separate entity with a blatant disregard to the human who occupies it. When objectification occurs it dehumanizes the individual and turns them into an object that is to be used for someone else’s pleasure. Women in westernized cultures are particularly subject to this type of treatment and the detrimental effects it can cause (Harper Tiggemann, 2008). Often as a result, objectification is turned inward and the individual views themselves as an object, creating a state of chronicRead MoreNational Security Outline Essay40741 Words   |  163 PagesUS, including for the dropping of the A-bombs. Court found that dropping nuclear weapons was â€Å"contrary to fundamental principle of the laws of war that unnecessary pain must not be given.†). Commencement of Hostilities Have to first have explicit warning or ultimatum before commencing hostilities; Have to warn/notify neutrals of state of war; Despite UN Charter provisions outlawing use of aggressive force altogether, the fact that wars will still occur makes the 1907 Hague III Convention

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